
Your search for the right massage therapist stops here. With over 23 years of experience in clinical Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Spa settings, I am confident that I can provide the professional massage therapy services you are looking for. I offer massage therapy service in my home studio or onsite at your home

    Iouri Lomakine – nationally and internationally certified.

Dedicated to his studies of European manual therapy and Canadian massage therapy schools, Iouri also integrates exercise practices from around the word. Iouri specializes in providing treatments using various massage techniques, such as Active release technique, Myofascial technique, Swedish and Manual therapy,as well as providing remedial exercises for maximum benefit.

Iouri received his training at Canadian Orthotherapy college (2000) and furthered his education at the International Academy of Massage in Ottawa (2003). Practicing in conjunction with chiropractors and physiotherapists at a sports injury clinic, Yuri is able to gain greater knowledge of diagnosis and treatment methods . He works with a wide variety of clients, and is able to treat many conditions, including athletic and dance injuries, chronic stress (headaches and neck tension), and pain. He strongly believes that massage therapy can play vital role in rehabilitation, injury prevention, and maximum performance..

He is currently practising massage therapy at Professional Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic in Ottawa, Ontario and independent Massage Therapist working privately at home studio.

Registered Massage Therapy in Ontario

Registered Massage Therapist is a regulated health profession,performed by individuals who has received three years of comprehensive training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, kinesiology, orthopedics, sports injuries, histology, nutrition, and clinical techniques of assessment, treatment, remedial exercise.
This is the most extensive medically based training for North America. Only members of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario are permitted to use the title Massage Therapist (RMT) or (MT).
Through the College, all massage therapists participate in a quality assurance program that ensures high professional standards and client care.